SO pleased that you’re here...
Spring 2024
Back Row: Janet, Ann, Lorna, Colleen, Kim, Rebekah, (Robin -absent), Linda, Janine
Middle Row: Heather, Liz, Lesley, Cindy, Lori, Rachel, Leona, Shirley, MaryAnn, Tina
Front Row: Lydia, Laura, Amy, Terry, Rosemary, Margaret, Lisa, Susan, Madeliene
Matthew Webster - Guitar, Kathy Russell - Accompanist, Laurie Walker - Director
Brad Hawkes - Percussion (absent from photo)
Special Thanks...
The Avalon Singers are delighted to have Matthew Webster add his expert guitar playing to our performances this season. We're certain you'll be as impressed as we are! Yay! What we know: Matthew’s parents were both teachers at the Conservatory here in Victoria, so he was fortunate to receive training at a young age. He’s also been singing (Christ Church Cathedral Boy’s choir and Bastion Theatre musicals) since he was a young lad, and started playing guitar as a teenager, mostly just to accompany his singing, but then took on lead guitar in a 6-piece horn band (Brass Tower) and ended up touring in various bands across Canada for over a dozen years. Nowadays, he volunteers at various seniors homes playing a variety of jazz standards, etc.
All About:
Choral Director: Laurie Walker
Percussion: Brad Hawkes
Get to know the Avalon Singers - Enjoy our Website & YouTube Channel
Our Special Guests : The Victoria Arion Male Choir
All about the VAMC - Victoria Arion
Male Choir
Canadian Folk Tickets (VAMC), Sat, May 25, 2024 at 2:00 PM | Eventbrite

Thank you John Battle – our talented and dedicated videographer who keeps outdoing himself! John films from all angles, lights, backgrounds and all, and then expertly edits our concerts for our popular YouTube Channel. (191,672+ views) John has been filming our performances at Senior homes too. John... We appreciate you. Thank you SO much!
Johnny B Productions - 250 818-8302
St. Andrew’s Regional High School –
for generously providing us with a perfect rehearsal space every
Thursday night.
Finally, thank you to our families, friends and fellow singers for attending our concerts, participating in our fundraisers, and for sharing our joy for music. What a wonderful community to be a part of.
We wish you a Wonderful Spring and Summer
Next Concert: December, 2024 (NOT the same bat time or station) Stay tuned!
We rehearse Thursday evenings
New members welcome. September 5th, 2024

Thank you...