Welcome to our 2023 Christmas Concert
We are thrilled to be singing together, and so happy that you’re here

Mistress of Ceremonies: Lydia Haight
Holiday Road of Carols
Wexford Carol
Angel Choir and the Trumpeter
All on a Silent Night
An Irving Berlin Christmas
Song for a Winters Night
Jingle Bell Fantasy
Dona Nobis Pacem
Huron Carol
Jing a Ling
Twelve Days of Christmas
Winter 2023
Back Row: Janet, Ann, Celleen, Lorna, Angie, Adria, Linda
Middle Row: Heather, Liz, Lesley, Leona, Terry, Cindy, Shirley, MaryAnn, Tina
Front Row: Lydia, Laura, Amy, Lisa, Lori, Rosemary, Janine, Susan
Caleb Patstone - Percussionist, Kathy Russell - Accompanist, Laurie Walker - Director
Special Thanks...
John Battle – our talented and dedicated videographer keeps outdoing himself! John films from all angles, lights, backgrounds and all, and then expertly edits our concerts for our popular YouTube Channel. (183,490+ views) John has been filming our performances at Senior homes too. John... We appreciate you. Thank you SO much!
Johnny B Productions - 250 818-8302
St. Andrew’s Regional High School –
for generously providing us with a perfect rehearsal space every
Thursday night.
Finally, thank you to our families, friends and fellow singers for attending our concerts, participating in our fundraisers, and for sharing our joy for music. What a wonderful community to be a part of.
We wish you a Wonderful Holiday Season
Next Concert is Saturday, April 27th, 2024 @7pm
We rehearse Thursday evenings
New members welcome. January 11th, 2024